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Roselia Embry
Born in Kentucky
74 years
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Sara Huguely
Growing up I remember Mama cooking in the kitchen, "getting happy", and shouting when Precious Lord and Amazing Grace would come on the radio.  She would tell me these songs reminded her of her Mother because she used to sing them.  And as I got older I began to truly understand why she would have those precious moments in the kitchen....and NOW I have those same precious moments in my kitchen...thinking about my DEAR MOTHER.  
Sheri Riley
Living with Granny for more than 10 years, I don't have just memories, I have a LIFE that was shaped and molded by our daily interaction, her love, and the daily example of her fortitude and relationship with GOD.  One moment in time that I will always cherish is one time I came home to Richmond and I had just bought a new car. I went to Granny's house and asked her to go for a ride with me.  I knew she wasn't feeling well and she was very weak but she rode with me anyway.  And as the wise woman she was, she knew, me wanting her to ride with me had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT was truly about her and I getting some quality time, just HER AND I.    Since I lived so far away, I didn't get to see Granny that often and this was my "selfish" way of stealing my GRANNY away for awhile and me and her having some time together alone.,I didnt' have to say this to her....she JUST KNEW.  This was the last time I saw my Granny alive.  Of all the years and memories I have of my Dear Granny, I will NEVER EVER forgot this time that her and I SHARED, just the two of us, with the top down and our hair "flying in the wind". 
Judy Lynn
I miss you, I miss your fried corn, but I don't miss your yellow with caramel icing.
Christopher Dabney
Most of all I wish I was a little older, So I would have the great memories all of you have. The most influential memory that I can remember is every time momma would take us to richmond we would go see granny and every time i seen here she would give me a big hug and tell me she loved me, being a child you really cain't grip how special and meaningful that is to your life.  As i got older i realized that things like that is what helps shape the person you become. I will always love her for that.
Mychal M. Dabney

I remember when Granny, Mother, Chritty and I went to Chicago. For some reason we found ourselves in the South Side of Chicago because my mom wanted to show us the hood, plus she can never get any vacation right. So we were riding through and Granny was eye balling everybody, just staring at them. I do not think that she thought that that was not right. Then mother says what in the hell are you doing Roselia you can't do that here. 

Total Memories: 13
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